Tech Enabler

Semiconductor Engineering Services

Semiconductor products are the basic building blocks of any technology product. These products include components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits (ICs). Services provided include architecture, modeling, and register transfer level (RTL) design; verification, emulation, and prototyping; physical design; application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) validation; and fabrication, packaging, and testing.

Partners that provide Semiconductor Engineering Services services

Matrix Digital


Matrix Digital was incorporated on Jun 15, 2006 to provide electronics product research and development in the area of ‘Biometrics Security & Identification’, cryptography and ‘Electronics Card Systems’.

    Technology Services:
  • Cloud,
  • Hardware Product Engineering Services,
  • Integrated Circuit (IC) Design and Embedded Software,
  • Mobile Application Development,
  • Semiconductor Engineering Services.
    Industry Expertise:
  • Government.
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